Hello, and welcome to my blog. Those are six words that I never imagined I would be typing, but yet, there they are. And with that said, welcome to my website and accompanying blog. If you haven't had a chance to wander through the site, it's pretty straight forward. You can read my bio, see descriptions of my books and buy them directly from Amazon if you like. I've got two that are audio books, there are links to buy those as well. You can send me a message through the site, and see what I'm up to as far as attending trade shows or other events. On the home page you can find my latest creation out there for the world to see (and buy), as well as some very convenient link buttons at the bottom of the page so you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter.
My plan for the blog is to post about works in progress, new ideas, and general nonsense. I'll do my best to keep it informative, yet entertaining. Which should not be that big of a chore, if you know me, then you know that if anything I'm informative and entertaining! Don't hesitate to interact here as well. Ask questions, demand to know what the hell I was thinking, post about paranormal experiences you may have had or any other scary shit you stumbled into. Let me know what you think of my books.
Okay, there it is, blog post number one is in the books. Welcome to the site! Don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter. Talk to you soon!